Community Centre - closure during Level 5 restrictions
21 Oct 2020
Dolphin House Community Centre is closing for 6 weeks under Level 5 restrictions and staff will be working from home. You can call us on these numbers Monday to Friday:• For health & wellbeing support, help with online forms or a friendly chat call Susan on 086 0493410 (mornings) or Barbara on 085 8581283.• For maintenance or community issues call Debbie on 086 4109172.• For meals and support for over 60s call Celine on 086 886 3561.Here are some other phone numbers that might be helpful during this time: For local counselling, stress and anxiety call Angela on: 0879410734 Text TALK to 50808 for mental health support by text. Dublin City Council Freephone Maintenance Number: 1800 200 668, General number: 01 2222222 or out of hours emergency number: 01 6796186.