Dolphin House & Park Community Website

Men's Shed trip to the Maritime Museum

8 May 2023

The Men's Shed met up in Dun Laoghaire to visit the Maritime Museum on the 18th April.  



Located in the stunning Mariners Church the museum houses interesting historic maritime artefacts, from The Baily optic to interesting artefacts that were found from the R.M.S Leinster, which was torpedoed and sunk in Dublin Bay in 1918 by a  German submarine during WW1. The Baily working optic is the light from Baily lighthouse in Howth, North Dublin. It was installed in 1902 and removed in 1972. 


Our guide for the day “John” was very insightful and the lads had many questions for him.  The Church itself is regarded as the museums greatest artefact as is one of the few custom built places of worship for seafarers that remains intact in the world today.  On the ground floor there was a lot of model ships and old ships of Irish interest.  Overall it was a great day out in Dun Laoghaire. 



The Museum is open daily from 11:00am to 5:00pm and is easily accessible from the Dart Station. A visit to the museum is highly recommended if planning a day out to Dun Laoghaire.  Our next trip away with the Men's Shed will be to the National Transport Museum in Howth.